The Label Company, Logo
Phone Icon (800) 481-7669

Artwork Requirements

The Label Company offers the benefits of an internal electronic prepress department. We design on Power Macintosh™ computers with output to a color laser printer. Below is what the folks in our art department say they prefer when you're ready to send us your art work.

Guidelines for Supplying Computer Generated Artwork

Please note that these are just guidelines and are always subject to change. We will assist you on any problems that may arise.

Preferred Programs
We would prefer artwork to be submitted as an Adobe Illustrator™ vector art file with all fonts turned to curves. If this isn't possible, we recommend Adobe Photoshop™ 6.0, saved with layers as a PSD file. JPEG and TIFF files can only be used for single-color art and should be created and saved with a 300dpi or higher resolution. Any art with more than one color (that we can't edit) is usually considered a 4-color process job. For other programs, we suggest:

Freehand™ - Export file as Adobe Illustrator™ | Corel Draw™ - Export file as Adobe Illustrator™ | Acrobat Reader™ - Save as an Editbale PDF

Font Information
All type must be converted to line art, also called vector art, paths, curves or outlines. This is when type is no longer editable as type but each letter becomes an integral part of the art.

We Can Read
3.5" Diskettes | CD-ROM | ZIP 100 Disc

Compression Utilities
Stuffit | Zip


Your proof can be supplied on paper (laser printed) in B&W or color, or by email. A color press proof can be ordered at an additional cost. We accept IBM™ or Mac™ formatted disks and files. Please send or fax a hard copy along with your file and don't forget to include any fonts and placed graphics that are needed for the artwork.